Aug 4, 2011

Goal for the next month.

Okay so I am horrible at blogging! I started this blog to well blog, and all I have done thus far is post my Youtube Videos. How horrible is that? Why is it soooo difficult to pop on and post???

So for right now aside from the YT videos. I want to start by posting at least once a week. That is my goal for the next few weeks. Once I get that going I will move on to twice a week and so on. Hopefully  I can get this thing going!!!

I am thinking of doing a 30 day picture challenge. That might really help to get into the groove of posting daily. Hmm perhaps when I start my 30 day shred by Jillian Micheals......

Thanks for hanging in there with me!!!



  1. I would LOVE to read from you. I also follow you on youtube, I'm yami4813. This blogging thing is addictive, no that I write but I do read a lot.


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